The Oregon Bee Store in Eagle Point has the cutest little store with the cutest stuff inside and pure local honey. But the main reason we stopped was for the U Pick strawberries!
My 3 1/2 year old daughter had a blast picking her own strawberries . It is a great way to get outside and teach children where strawberries come from, how they are grown, when they are just right and taste a freshly picked one.
The Oregon Bee Store offer buckets to pick the strawberries but don’t forget to bring something to take them home in.
The Oregon Bee Store is located at 14356 Highway 62 in Eagle Point, Oregon. You can give them a call at (541) 826-7621 or stop in to visit the shop and pick some fresh strawberries.
June is cherry-picking month in Southern Oregon! If you don’t have your own cherry trees to pick from, consider heading over to Valley View Orchard at exit 19 in Ashland next season.
This organic Farm also offers U-pick peaches, apricots, grapes and more when in season, so mark your calendars and follow them on Facebook for their Picking Times.
Taking children on an outing to the farm teaches them where their food comes from and gives them a sense of accomplishment as they “hunt” for the best produce to choose. But make sure it is an organic farm or orchard to insure the safest, pesticide-free foraging for the little ones.
Dress comfortably in loose-fitting close to accommodate lots of reaching, stretching and walking. Tennis shoes (no open-toes) are a must, and wearing a hat naturally protects little faces from sun and the heat of summer. Buckets are provided by the farm, but keep in mind that the trek back to the farmhouse to pay can be a long one with a full bucket of cherries. We always ask for two buckets each and fill them only half full or less to make the return trip and checking out a breeze.
Be prepared to hear, “This was my most favoritist thing to do ever!” , as you drive away from the farm, with little lips smeared in cherry juice and smiles that reach from ear to ear.
Karen Daggett Austin
Owner, True Juice organic Café’ and Nana to five kiddos who LOVE to garden and pick fruits and veggies