Order Your ~Build a Bat House- Stem Kit~ from BugsRUs
Fall is here and that means OCTOBER and that means HALLOWEEN and that means BATS!
Bats are victims of BAD public relations, specifically because of that FICTIONAL guy, DRACULA!
Bats have been on Earth for more than 50 million years. With over 1,400 species, they are the second largest order of mammals, and those species cover six continents. Globally, bats provide vital ecosystem services in the form of eating insect pests, plant pollination, and seed dispersal, making them essential to the health of our planet.
Making a bat-friendly place in your backyard supports the essential role bats have in the environment. All 15 different species of bats in Oregon eat insects…..mosquitoes, gnats, night flying beetles and moths.
Here’s a few BAT facts:
1. One Little Brown Bat can eat over 1000 bugs PER HOUR!
2. The world’s smallest bat is the Bumblebee Bat measuring 1.5 –3 inches in length and weighing 2 grams as a full-grown adult.
3. The world’s largest bat is the Giant Golden-crowned Flying Fox with a wingspan up to 6 feet!
4. The oldest known bat was a male Brant’s myotis who lived 41 years.
5. Of the 1,400+ species of bats in the world, only three are vampire bats that drink blood. They ONLY live in Central America NOT TRANSYLVANIA!
It’s time to help our BUG EATING friends….THE BATS!
Here’s your chance – Build your OWN BAT-HOUSE – STEM kit.
You get it ALL…..pre-cut ALL weather re-purposed plywood, screws and nails along with FULL detailed instructions to build your own BAT-HOUSE. Measures 16 in. tall, 8 in. wide and 2 ½ in. deep when finished. All you need is a hammer and screwdriver.
Features galvanized mesh for inside the house… ‘em traction to climb up inside. Will hold about 35-50 little brown bats. They will use it as a roost as well as a NURSERY!
This package also includes a BAT coloring page and detailed 3 page educational fact sheet about all 15 Oregon bats and why bats are SO important.
If you are interested, please send an email to [email protected] with quantity and your address.
This is a PERFECT activity for scouts, homeschoolers or ANYONE who wants to invite these AMAZING mammals to your property.
Southern Oregon Classical Conversations
A classical Christian community of parents dedicated to educating our children at home. We support and encourage parents so that they can feel empowered to homeschool through High School. We desire “To know God and to make Him known.”
A homeschool community that meets in Ashland, Central Medford, Central Point, and Grants Pass weekly during the school year. During the year, we also offer informational meetings and some free parent equipping events.
official organization website
Simple Steps to Start the Money Conversation with Kids
A list from WalletHub released earlier this year ranked Oregon the 30th most financially literate state. It’s not something to brag about and our state’s financial literacy standards are far from perfect. A new survey from COUNTRY Financial found that when it comes to financial matters, 60 percent of Oregonians rely on what they learned from mom and dad. Though the survey found that parents preferred to discuss the birds and the bees or go to the dentist, than talk about finances with their kids, it’s no surprise to see the importance of parents’ role in shaping our kids’ money management skills. Not sure how to broach the topic with your kids?
Here are some simple steps to start the money conversation:
Start young. As soon as kids can count, they can start to learn about money. Early on, use coin banks so they learn how to save, think about money and learn how to share with others. When they are a little older, open a savings account with them. Take them to the bank in person to set up an account and help them set a savings goal.
Use chores or allowances as a teaching tool. When kids are old enough to do chores for an allowance, you can teach them lessons about saving and responsibility. By creating a set dollar amount for chores, kids lean about the relationship between work and money. An allowance can also be a teaching tool, opening up the door to discussions about spending, saving and even investments and donations.
Introduce a budget. Creating a budget is one of the most important financial habits people can learn to develop. And it’s a great thing to teach kids because it puts financial decisions in their hands. With more experience thinking about and practicing budgeting, it can make it easier for kids to learn responsible money practices. Try the “50-40-10 system” for each allowance or birthday dollar received (save 50%, spend 40% and donate 10%). This concept helps kids understand the importance of categorizing money.
These are just a few simple steps to get you started. There are many ways to integrate financial education and skills into daily life. Just remember to make it fun, give them some incentive, and most importantly start early and your kids will be on the right track for an educated, financial future.
Trey Berkey is a financial representative with Country Financial in Medford. He can be reached at [email protected].
Free Summer Meals Program for Kids & Teens
Summer Meals -Nourishing Oregon’s Kids.
There are over 800 summer meal sites in Oregon with free meals for kids and teens ages 1-18.
Summer meal programs may serve a combination of lunch, breakfast, supper and morning or afternoon snacks. Some programs also offer learning activities for kids before or after meals.
Click on the map below to find a site near you.
The Family Connection
Great parenting doesn’t happen in isolation.
The Family Connection provides a regional parenting hub where parents can come together, learn effective parenting skills from certified parenting educators, be introduced to community resources and find support from other parents. Parenting is hard work!
As Southern Oregon’s Parenting Hub, The Family Connection and The Oregon Parenting Education Collaborative (OPEC) were founded to help.
Please take advantage of our FREE parenting classes, workshops, and events!
Remember, great parenting doesn’t happen in isolation… Let’s get connected! We also provide organizations and agencies the ability to contract an evidence based parenting series or workshop for their clients.
Head to our online Parenting Education Community Calendar to sign-up for FREE parenting classes, workshops, and family friendly events in Jackson and Josephine counties.
Matching Grandmas2Go-Family Coaches with Struggling Families
We all know that babies don’t come with an “instruction manual!” What’s a mom or dad to do when they need help? The answer: … call Grandmas2Go-Family Coaches and be matched with a “trained and trusted” community volunteer Grandma!
The idea for this program came from Linda Otto, when she realized through her work as a CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate), a Baby Cuddler at Asante Special Care Nursery, and a trained Postpartum Doula and Infant Massage Instructor, that parents today are stressed out, overwhelmed and need help. So, she decided to fill that need by starting a non-profit called Grandmas2Go-Family Coaches.
The mission of Grandmas2Go is to mentor, nurture and support parents, infants and toddlers during the critical years of childhood brain growth – from pregnancy to preschool. This multi-generational program is changing lives …not only for struggling families, but also for the senior volunteers who are staying active, engaged, and finding a new life-purpose!
In 2017, Grandmas2Go entered the national Generation to Generation Encore Prize Competition and was named one of the top five new, innovative, inter-generational programs in the country! Grandmas2Go has been featured in major local and national media including Forbes, MarketWatch, and Wall Street Journal. PBS’ online newsletter, Next Avenue, recently published an article: “Grandmas2Go Arrive with Love”.
Volunteer Grandmas are ‘women of wisdom and experience.” We partner with local agencies to help all our children to thrive! With families today facing a multitude of challenges, no wonder a father of twins stated, “I don’t know how we would have survived without Grandmas2Go!” A single mom wrote “My Grandma2Go helped me get through that dark period …. we love our Grandma2Go!” And from a mother of two, who was helped by her grandma-mentor to get her US Citizenship: “Thank you for helping me make my dream come true!”
Grandmas2Go is growing, replicating and scaling to serve communities throughout Oregon and across America! And we’re promoting this growth through our “Help Us Grow -“HUG” Campaign. Help us reach more families! Send your name and email address to [email protected] and receive an invitation to Help Us Grow!
We need community support to continue our compelling work. We invite you to join us … as a volunteer Grandma, a donor, or in helping spread the word by hosting a presentation in your neighborhood, church, or social club.
As Linda, Founder & CEO, says, “We know that one caring adult can change the life of a child. Just imagine what a team of Grandmas can do!”
The 8th annual Kids Dash is June 8th, 2019 at the Grants Pass High School track. Gate opens st 8AM. Entry fee is $10/child.
The Kids Dash was founded by Dr. Nate Tanner.
It has been a KidZone Community Foundation event since 2014.
The Kids Dash includes runs for children ages two through middle school as well as relay races for the whole family, a 1600 meter run for middle school and advanced runners, a foam dart javelin throw, standing long jump, a giant slingshot game and the Hue-man race, our version of events like The Color Run(TM).
The Kids Dash will also have a full carnival which is free to all and is sponsored by Asante Physician Partners.
New this year will be an opportunity to participate in games with student-athletes from the University of Oregon presented by the Oregon Athlete Foundation.
The event also feature a Wellness Midway with presentations by many local fitness and health-related organizations.
Please visit for more information.
Sleep in Heavenly Peace: Providing Beds for Children in Need
Sleep in Heavenly Peace began in Twin Falls, Idaho in 2012 when a group of people built a bunk bed as a service project. After building a second bunk bed with the leftover lumber, they offered it for free on Facebook with an overwhelming response. They soon realized that the need is out there for beds for children – the roots of Sleep in Heavenly Peace (SHP) were planted!
In February of 2018, Mike Rowe’s Returning the Favor Facebook video blog spot-lighted SHP and the rush was on. Since that time, as of early 2019, 12 chapters have grown to nearly 150 chapters throughout the country. There are chapters in both Josephine and Jackson counties that build and provide beds to children who have none. The process is simple and involves the entire community.
SHP receives money from local donors and receives no government assistance. We build beds during either Public or Private/Sponsored Build Days using volunteers from our counties.
Families whose children have no beds may apply for them through our national website,, or you may refer a family you know is in need. Our organizations deliver beds to their homes, free of charge, complete with a bed frame, mattress, pillow, sheet set, and a blanket or quilt for warmth –
ready to sleep on.
It is estimated that 3,000- 6,000 children in Southern Oregon are sleeping on the floor, on couches, with other children, or with their parents because families are unable to afford beds for them. After paying for a mortgage or rent, food, and clothing, many times there is little money left for what many of us consider a necessity, beds. Sleep in Heavenly Peace’s mission is NO KID SLEEPS ON THE FLOOR IN OUR TOWN!

How can you help? Please contact either Southern Oregon chapter for more information. We gratefully accept donations or sponsorship, small or large. We are always in need of new, twin size bedding. We welcome volunteers for our public build days and to help with chapter events. Watch our respective
Facebook pages for news!
Josephine County: Facebook: @SHPJoCo
Jackson County: Facebook: @SHPJacksonCo
The 4-H Experience
4-H is delivered by Cooperative Extension—a community of more than 100 public universities across the nation that provides experiences where young people learn by doing.
Kids complete hands-on projects in areas like health, science, agriculture and citizenship, in a positive environment where they receive guidance from adult mentors and are encouraged to take on proactive leadership roles.
Kids experience 4-H in every county and parish in the country—through in school and after-school programs, school and community clubs and 4-H camps.